Wenyin 的拾萃园
First-order shift formula of stable and unstable manifolds under perturbation
《稳定和不稳定流形在扰动下的一阶偏移公式及其在磁约束聚变中的应用》 In the established theory [1,2] of the global structure of three-dimensional (3D) magnetic fields, we had derived the first-order shift formula of X/O-cycles under perturbation (*δB*), based on which we further deduce *the first-order shift formula of stable and unstable manifolds under perturbation*. These two formulae provide a new perspective for controlling the shape of magnetically confined plasma by applying them to the vacuum magnetic fields induced by various magnetic coils. Moreover, it is feasible to control the width of chaotic layers at the plasma edge and island chains. Of particular importance among all the ``perturbing'' fields, the time derivative of a realistic field, *∂B/∂t*, can be considered a peculiar one in the formulae (*i.e.*, substituted for the perturbing field *δB*), which yields the shift velocities of X/O cycles, stable and unstable manifolds. It should be noted the perturbation field *δB* does not need to be axisymmetric and the field to be perturbed does not need to be divergence-free. For a typical divertor configuration, the connection lengths of magnetic field lines in the scrape-off layer (SOL) are greatly influenced by the Jacobian matrix eigenvalues of the Poincaré map of the outmost X-cycle(s). The Jacobian matrix is denoted by *DP^m* for a cycle of *m* toroidal turns, where *P* denotes the Poincaré map of one toroidal turn. Adjusting the eigenvalues of *DP^m* of the X-cycle(s) to be close to unity can significantly increase the connection lengths in the SOL. The first-order change of *DP^m* under perturbation is revealed by a formula deduced in the same manner as that of X/O-cycles and (un)stable manifolds. It is expected that pushing the two eigenvalues of *DP^m* towards unity will facilitate the achievement of edge plasma detachment due to the resulting increase in radiation loss from the longer connection lengths. ...
Invariant manifold growth formula in cylindrical coordinates and its application for MCF
A spiral ribbon-like pattern of heat deposition has been reported and investigated in the past, of which the field structure is essential to study how to expand the wet area of heat flux to reduce the tolerance-to-heat demand for materials at the divertor in a magnetically confined fusion device. The relevant notions concerning magnetic topology are formalized in this paper to utilize knowledge from dynamical system research. Of great importance to comprehending the topology of general 3D vector fields are cycles and the invariant manifolds grown from saddle cycles, which are analyzed in detail. How the Jacobian of Poincaré map evolves along a cycle is presented. Grown in the directions of the Jacobian eigenvectors at the beginning, the invariant manifolds of saddle cycles are essential to determine the chaotic field regions, which induce a mixing effect inside the plasma. With regard to three-dimensional continuous-time dynamical systems, the governing equation of invariant manifolds in cylindrical coordinates is deduced. 过去的研究中已发现偏滤器上螺旋条带状的热负荷分布,三维磁场的结构对如何增大热负荷湿区以降低偏滤器材料的耐热要求至为关键。本文将磁拓扑相关的概念形式化以利用动力系统中的知识。对于一般三维向量场拓扑的理解,环和鞍环上生长出的不变流形十分重要,本文对其有详细分析。Poincaré 映射的 Jacobian 在环上如何演化,文中给出其公式。鞍环的不变流形从 Poincaré 映射的 Jacobian 矩阵的特征向量上长出,它们对混沌场区的确定十分重要,混沌场会在等离子体中造成一定的混合效应。就三维连续时间动力系统,本文推导得到柱坐标中不变流形的生长公式。...
The Guiding Center Approximation to Charged Particle Motion
The equations governing the guiding center motion of a charged particle in an electromagnetic field are obtained simultaneously and deductively, without considering individually the special geometric situations in which one effect or another occurs alone. The general expression is derived for the guiding center velocity at right angles to the magnetic field B. This expression contains five terms arising in the presence of an electric field. They are in addition to the usual “E × B” drift. Because these terms are unfamiliar objects in the literature on plasmas, they are illustrated by simple examples. Three of the five drifts occur in rotating plasma machines of the Ixion type. One of these three is also shown to be responsible for the Helmholtz instability of a plasma. A fourth one gives the (low frequency) dielectric constant, while the fifth arises if the direction of B is time dependent. A detailed geometric picture of the fifth drift is given. The equation governing the guiding center motion parallel to B is also derived for the general time-dependent field. The conditions are discussed under which it can be integrated into the form of an energy integral. Finally the component of current density perpendicular to B in a collisionless plasma is shown to be the current due to the guiding center drift plus the perpendicular component of the curl of the magnetic moment per unit volume. Proofs of this have been given in the past for special cases, such as static fields, ∇ × B = 0, etc. This proof holds in general, provided conditions for adiabaticity are met. It is also true, but not proven in this paper, that the component of the current density parallel to B is the current due to the guiding center velocity parallel to B plus the parallel component of the curl of the magnetic moment per unit volume. A proper proof of the parallel component is quite lengthy....
My fusion related code repositories
Wenyin's fusion related code repositories...
The chaotic nature of 3D magnetic topology revealed by transversely intersecting invariant manifolds
A systematic analytic theory of three-dimensional magnetic fields has been established to facilitate comprehending the field structure and to provide guidance on control....
Install MDSplus
MDSplus 比较古老,安装略微有些麻烦,如果是 Windows 系统的话,尽量不要按照 github 上的裸仓库进行编译,编译过程会很痛苦。For Windows Users在进行安装之前先配置好 Python 3.8 (目前 2021 年 8 月,3.8 兼容性比较好,以后可能更高版本更好)。...
CMake Commands
CMake 着实让人有些头疼,CMake 的复杂不仅来源于其自身,还来源于它意图统一各平台编译工具链。当 Ubuntu 系统中同时共存多版本的 GNU 时,有些比较新的项目可能会使用 C++17 或者 C++20 版的编译器新特性,这时需要手动指定。~/path-to-your-repo/build...
Linux Package Manager
Linux Package Manager一般来说 Linux 系统大致可分为两大流派,一派是 Debian 系,另一派是 RedHat 系,它们各有各主流的包安装工具(dpkg 和 rpm)和依赖管理工具(apt 和 yum)。...
Computer Algebra System Tutorial Index
Some materials about the domain of CAS, the Computer Algebra System....
Server Configuration Tips 服务器配置
等离子体动理论讲义 Plasma Kinetic Theory Note
Latex Common Techniques 常用技巧
Some tricks and code snippets are collected here for future quick reference....