Wenyin 的拾萃园
My fusion related code repositories

In the past two years, I have been developing some utility repositories to facilitate data analysis in fusion research. Here is a list of them,

  • dig:short for diagnostic
    少承老师的探针分析数据的 python 化。以后计划升级成任意诊断数据的看板 dashboard,替代 webscope。
  • pyna:short for python dynamics
    My theory on invariant manifolds and chaos has been implemented numerically in this package.
  • silkpy
    silkpy applies differential geometry math techniques to numeric curves and surfaces.
    微分几何的数值化,silk 丝绸,“丝”表示曲线,“绸”表示曲面。
  • sinupysinusoidal python
    等离子体中波传播的色散关系 k-omega 的符号求解系统,可以画经典的 CMA 图。以后计划扩展到任意介质。
  • neinsteinpynumeric version of einsteinpy package
    einsteinpy 张量符号计算 python 包的数值化,未完善,计划支持任意曲面坐标系下的张量操作。
  • wagglepy:粒子在各种电磁场环境 E、B 下的漂移,可计算机符号自动推导,waggle 取名自蜜蜂飞舞。
  • hiforhierarchy of formula,公式的层次化符号及数值推导,减轻物理学家在量级估计中的手算工作。
  • MHDpy (private):
    Refactored from ERGOS, mhdpy reads data from MDSplus, knows how to construct a flux coordinate system for tokamaks, and is capable of classical magnetic spectrum analysis (inherits from ERGOS). Poincare plots are also available.
    主要由原先的 ERGOS 升级而来,包含 EFIT 读取的数据可以直接用来构建磁面坐标系,可以分析共振磁扰动(RMP)的磁谱,可以画 Poincare 图
  • MHDcxx (private): probably the fastest CPU field line tracing code, written in C++17. 目前世界最快的 CPU 磁力线追踪 程序,用 C++17 写的

Visualizing $B^{1}$ distribution on a flux surface at EAST, drawn by MHDpy.

They are under development and the documents are to be written. We welcome anyone willing to join our community. United, we are strong; Fused, life is easy. MHDpy and MHDcxx are too primitive to be public, please contact me if you are interested.